World innovation: Yellow Laser for Lasertherapy

After several years of research and development efforts, Weber Medical is finally able to introduce the first yellow laser worldwide for the use in intravenous and interstitial laser therapy.


What is the yellow laser good for?

  • after the development of red, infrared, green and blue lasers, yellow was the last missing prismatic color
  • yellow additionally stimulates the mitochondrial respiratory chain at complex II (cytochromes)
  • yellow has an detoxifying effect
  • yellow has an anti- depressive effect


New findings/ indicators

  • The yellow laser stimulates the strongest natural photosensitizer – Hypericin out of St. Johns wort – and is therefore the most efficient laser in photodynamic cancer therapy.
  • Combined with Hypericin, yellow lasers are applicable for the treatment of viral and chronical bacterial infections.
  • A broad range of studies shows that anti- depressive effects of Hypericin can be strengthened significantly once the impact of Hypericin is enhanced by yellow lasers. Immediate improvements of patient’s sense of well- being have been observed.
  • The broad theoretical knowledge about the application opportunities of Hypericin can now be implemented in practice.


The new yellow laser – first clinical results

  • Strong positive (anti-depressive) effects on general mood: “many of the patients begin to laugh and speak freely […], all have less pain and more freedom of movement.”
  • Positive results in chronic infections (e.g. lyme disease) and fatigue syndromes
  • Very positive experiences in advanced lyme disease; significant improvement after few treatments (45 min. intravenous)
  • Good effects on several virus infections (zoster, EBV, Herpes)
  • Strong anti- bacterial effect
  • Very good results in patients with panic attacks, depression and anxiety disorders (yellow laser IV and hypericin oral; combination with Tryptophan in patients with lack of serotonin)
  • Promising development in patients with lack of ATP; yellow laser stimulates complex III of the oxidative phosphorylation and supports therapy with other laser wavelengths, NADH, coenzyme Q10 and carnitin
  • Positive effect on Multiple Sklerosis
  • Application in photodynamic tumor therapy (in combination with Hypericin): significant reduction of tumormarkers.

Case studies

  • One patient with advanced MS went bowling with her friend after a session and had the best score
  • autistic boy: “He has now had IV yellow laser twice and has marked increase in facial expression, eye contact, vocabulary, focus, attention span and having ability to let people hug him”
  • “27 year old receives 20 mins of yellow twice a week and is no longer depressed in just three weeks”
  • Architect, 51 years, chronic lyme disease with massive joint pain and fatigue; 14 treatments with yellow laser (and amino acids); completely fit, no more pain or trouble
  • Patient with squamous-cell carcinoma (and metastases); oral hypericin and local yellow laser irradiation of the bad healing area; very positive clinical results (strongly improved healing)
  • MS-Patient: Significant positive influence on sensomotoric abilities and fatigue- syndrom